Saturday, 2 February 2013

Speech 3: Sandesh - The message

Many times we wonder after lsitening to a speech:
"What was it all about? "

Many times we dont remeber what the speaker talked about.

Many times we feel that the speaker was not focussed, he or she talks about so many things which is away from the topic.

Remember: A speech should have a message - a Sandesh. Be focussed on the Sandesh.

If you are talking about Child safety, whatever you say, whatever you quote or the the anecdote you narrate  or the event you mention in the speech should be to reinforce the message on child safety.

If you are talking about the need to quit smoking, the speech should contain facts, figures, events, quotes or stories to support your message - Quit smoking

If you talk something else, how can you expect the audience to focus on the subject?

So be specific. Let there be a specific Purpose for your speech. Focus on it

If you have selected the specific purpose of your speech, the next thing to do is to select the general purpose.

It can be to inform, to inspire, to persuade or to entertain

If your Specific purpose is on creating awareness on the need of child safety, the general purpose can Persuade the audience to implement child safety measures at home and in the Car..Dont make an entertaining speech here..

If your Specific purpose is to create awareness on the need to Quit smoking, the General purpose can be to inform the audience on the statistics on the dangers of smoking

If your specific purpose is to raise fund for an orphanage, Inspire the listeners to do it. Inspiring becomes the general purpose

So in summary, the General purpose can be to inform or to inspire or to persuade or to entertain

So, be ready with your speech. Organise your speech with the specific and general purpose in mind.

Check with your mentor or friends and take the feedback

And you must show the generosity to remove unnecessary elements from your speech, the elements which you like, but do not contribute to the message

Good Luck. Hit the target, not somewhere else


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Universal Truth

Ancient Indians worshipped the the Earth as Bhoomatha- Mother Earth. The Son, the Moon, the Nature and whatever they saw was worshipped as Dieties.

Where did they get this idea of considering the elements of Nature as dieties?

Where did they get this  different concept of Considering the nature as not just Matter?

Modern Science is trying it's best to unravel the mysteries of Universe in it's test tubes and laboratories across the world.

Physics and Mathematics and Chemistry..Scientists are sweating day and night to find out the truth




Watch the videos

Pranams to our ancient sages who saw the truth. It is not even Biology

They proclaimed " I have known the truth beyond the words"